VIA’s Trusted Analytics Chain (TAC) Featured in Digitex Futures Article on AI and Blockchain
VIA’s blockchain-based Trusted Analytics Chain (TAC) was featured in the recent Digitex Futures article: “When AI and Blockchain Team Up”. The article discusses how AI and blockchain, while both disruptive technologies in their own right, can work better together than separately in some cases. CEO Colin Gounden was proud to share VIA’s perspective on how a combination of these technologies could transform the energy industry:
“Every power generation, transmission, and distribution company in the world wants to improve the reliability and efficiency of their network operations…However, these companies are concerned about the security and privacy of their data and so, are hesitant to adopt new AI applications. Additionally, many companies are concerned they don’t have enough data or clean data to make rigorous analytics and AI possible. VIA’s blockchain-based Trusted Analytics Chain ensures client data remains on premise and completely anonymous.”
Read the full article here.