Meet the Team: Emma Fechney, Senior Lead, People and Operations
Through a Q&A-style interview, you will hear from VIA team members about things like a typical day at the office and favorite foods.
What does a typical day at VIA look like for you?
One of the things that I love about my job is that for me, there is no such thing as a “typical day.” Because my role encompasses the entire candidate and employee experience, there are often lots of different projects going on at any moment. Examples include planning recruitment events, working with the team on our professional development program, or even ordering a whole lot of pizza for our regular lunch and learn sessions.
I always try to start my day by consulting my to do’s and then from there, it can be a mixture of meetings, catch-ups with team members, interviews, or planning the next team event.
What motivates you to come to the office each day?
People! I am motivated by the idea of enhancing people’s work experience, whether it’s exploring ways to support professional development or strengthening the connection between our team and our vision. Plus, finding ways to celebrate and have fun together never gets old!
What’s something you have worked on at VIA that you are most proud of?
Introducing Lattice, our performance management platform, was a big win for me. Lattice is a tool that helps us plan and track goals, organise 1:1’s, and is an excellent vehicle for supporting a feedback-rich culture. We love the integration with our #shoutouts channel on Slack for constant praise and appreciation! (Not a paid plug, I promise).
What’s your favorite VIA memory?
My first official day is something that sticks out. Not only were lots of pastries involved, but the whole office pushed pause in whatever they were doing to welcome me over breakfast and to get to know more about me and my background. This really set the tone of inclusivity and respect that has not faded since!
If you were given an extra hour in your day, what would you spend it doing?
The angel on my shoulder says learning french, but the devil on the other says catching up on some z’s.
What’s your go-to food?
I can’t go past a really good Kiwi meat pie!
What’s something everyone may not, but should know about working at VIA?
In addition to being a kick-ass energy tech company, our team could have a side career in the food industry. Everyone is either an excellent home cook and/or just genuinely enjoys the ritual of eating great food.