Whether it’s the latest product announcements from VIA or our CEO on national television, read about it here.

VIA Selected as a Finalist for EPRI’s Incubatenergy Labs Challenge
As part of being a finalist in the program, VIA will participate in Challenge Pitch Day in the beginning of April.

VIA Files Over 10 Patents for Trusted Analytics Chain™
The patents cover a range of capabilities from homomorphic encryption, streamlining data access provisionment, and distributed computing approaches, among others.

VIA Participates in NPPD's Annual Innovation Showcase
Colin Gounden traveled to the Aurora Open & Innovation Showcase to give students and the community a glimpse into working for a technology startup.

VIA Awarded Funding by MassCEC
MassCEC's InnovateMass program awarded VIA funding for a behind the meter energy storage project.

VIA Earns Spot on the 2020 Global Cleantech 100
Out of thousands of innovators from across the globe, VIA was selected as a Cleantech 100 company in 2020.

VIA Included in Tracxn's "Top Emerging Blockchain Startups" List
Out of the 11.5K blockchain startups across the globe, VIA has been selected by Tracxn as an emerging leader in this sector.

GDAC™ Ability to Increase ROI for Utilities Featured in T&D World
The article discusses changes to the energy landscape and how VIA is helping utilities through its GDAC™ program.

Value of AI for GDAC™ Utility Members Mentioned in Utility Dive
Colin Gounden discusses the way AI and machine learning can help protect utilities and its customers from cyber attacks, while also using data to improve service to customers.

Kate Ravanis Invited to Speak at GTM Blockchain in Energy Forum 2019
Kate's presentation covered the challenges facing the energy sector and how VIA's GDAC™ program is currently helping utilities unlock the value of their data through privacy preserving collaboration.

Colin Gounden Participates in NECEC Navigate Webinar Series
The webinar panelists discuss ways they can learn from each other to improve energy efficiency.

Disruptor Daily Interview’s Colin Gounden for Blockchain in Energy Series
Colin Gounden sat down with Emilia Picco of Disruptor Daily to talk about how VIA uses blockchain technology to help transform the energy sector.

VIA Highlighted in "The Rise of Privacy Preserving AI"
The article discusses how federated learning allows companies to benefit from collective data analytics, without having to reveal sensitive data.

The Westly Group Leads $7M Investment in VIA
The funding and support from the Westly Group will accelerate VIA’s customer acquisition and increase the number of network operators in its Global Data Asset Collaborative™ (GDAC™) program.

Hawaiian Electric Joins as Second Founding Member of GDAC™, Alongside Vector
By joining GDAC™, Hawaiian Electric hopes to improve decision making related to operations, maintenance, and replacement of their substation transformers.

GreenBiz Features VIA in Article About Startups at the Plug and Play Spring Summit
VIA was mentioned as a solution to help utilities better predict when transformers might be at risk using its blockchain-based application, TAC™.