Level Up, Scale Up, Power Up!: A tale of continuous improvement and exponential growth
“Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
As a dedicated VIA follower, you know that this quote from Winnie-the-Pooh has been the inspiration and driving force behind our semi-annual company-wide Power Up! meetings. If you are new to our blog, here is a little background.
When you are in the thick of day-to-day work, it can be hard to stop for a moment to consider that there might be a better way to accomplish a goal, project, or task. So, like Winnie-the-Pooh, we aim to stop bumping our heads. Twice a year we gather up the whole team to brainstorm ways to improve and innovate together.
In October, we hosted our largest-ever Power Up! featuring packed offices in Somerville and Montreal and one friendly competition for the most feasible and highest impact project. The theme, “Level Up, Scale Up, Power Up!” sure brought us to the next-level, and we’re here to break it all down for you.
Level Up: Continuous improvement
A month ahead of Power Up!, we asked our VIAneers to submit their ideas for projects that could accelerate and improve every day work. We saw tremendous potential with topics ranging from UX design roadmaps to GitHub Slack Integration to bridging quarterly ambitions and sprint tasks.
The official project selection committee combed through each idea and had the tough job of selecting just eight projects that would present the most feasible and highest impact concept at VIA. Next, the teams self-organized and the games began!
Each team had the opportunity to work closely with expert VIAneer coaches to fine-tune their projects and get ready for the ultimate demo. In front of an impressive line up of external judges, recruited specifically for Power Up! (check them out below!), teams delivered facts, research, and live demos. The judges, each with tremendous experience in startups, supercharged growth, and innovation, reviewed each project and rated them based on the value for VIA, technical readiness, risks and tradeoffs, and presentation skills.

Katie Wildman of PEO Digital

Shaun Chaudhuri, Partner at Westly Group

Kate Ravanis, COO of VIA
The winning team, GitHub Slack Integration, took home the prize of $2,000 USD in cold, hard cash. Their quick-win project aims to integrate GitHub notifications into Slack to streamline the code review process and cut down noise in the process for technical team members.
What did it take to achieve first prize? Let’s hear it directly from the judges:
“The metrics you had were so digestible and attainable. It was great seeing specifically what the developer team could save and how you converted those metrics into saving the equivalent of four people’s time over the course of the year, it was such a tangible way to understand that the automation you are doing actually has an impact. It’s awesome!” – Katie Wildman
“In addition to the metrics, I really liked the roll-out plan, it was quite simple. The fact that you can test within a four hour period, which is such an easy deployment, really stood out to me.” – Shaun Chaudhuri
Potential time savings with the GitHub Slack Integration.
And finally, Kate Ravanis rounding out the feedback with true VIA values vibes:
First place wasn’t the only prize – the second place team, SQL and Data Explainer, received $500 in gift certificates, and the third place team, VIA Style earned a party for their fellow VIAneers.
The dedication we saw to improving processes at VIA was overwhelming. We are proud of each VIAneers contributions and how they live our values each day.
Scale Up: Exponential growth
As we mentioned, this was our largest-ever Power Up!, and when we say VIA has had exponential growth over the last year, we mean it. Our revenues grew 5x in 2023, 2x in 2024, and are on track to double again next year, in 2025. Now, that’s a lot of brain power in our corner and it’s not stopping any time soon!
We attribute this growth to our people and special programs like Power Up! By taking the time to solve things more efficiently, smarter, collaborative, and innovative, each individual propels VIA in the direction of massive growth.
Power Up!: Join our team and follow along
If you are an individual who leads discussions with curiosity, values diverse perspectives, is eager to explore new ideas, and constantly seeks opportunities to grow and develop your skills, contact us! We are always looking for individuals who have what it takes to be a successful VIAneer to join our team.
Follow along on LinkedIn and X for the latest at VIA.