Our tech blog

Learn about VIA’s thoughts on Web3, what a VIAneer's day-to-day is like, and how our mission is shaping the energy industry.

The Merge and what it means for clean energy

At last, Ethereum is changing to Proof-of-Stake. With power blackouts and electricity prices skyrocketing, the timing couldn't be better. Read on to learn why this is critical for the energy sector.

Open Source Monday: zk-SNARKs for Meter Data

Your data tells the story of your life. This week, we demo a mathematical proof called zk-SNARK (an emerging Web3 standard) for energy data. This proof enables energy consumers to profit from their data while keeping their identities completely anonymous.

Mastery Monday: Homomorphic Encryption

For the first installment of our new blog series, “Mastery Monday with VIA” we’re showing you how homomorphic encryption works in under 4 minutes.

The End of Pilot Purgatory

Andrew Bright, former ABB executive and VIA’s advisor, provides commentary on VIA’s GDAC™ Transformers: 3-Minute Pilot.