Whether it’s the latest product announcements from VIA or our CEO on national television, read about it here.

Electric Light and Power Features Via Science Proof-of-Concept with PJM Interconnection
The article discusses the project between Via Science and PJM to help mitigate risks to fuel supply for electricity generation during extreme weather.

Via Science Selected by PJM to Help Mitigate Fuel Supply Risks During Extreme Weather Events
Via Science will use its AI software to identify and mitigate risks to fuel supply for electricity generation during extreme weather events.

Via Science Accepted into Elemental Excelerator Program
The program will support the development of Via Science's blockchain technology, which aims to make artificial intelligence (AI) solutions more accessible to the energy sector.

Via Science Wins Startup Canada's Innovation Award for Quebec Region
Startup Canada's Innovation Award recognizes Via Science's leadership in using AI to solve large-scale, high-stakes challenges across critical infrastructure.

Electrical Contractor Features CEO Colin Gounden
CEO Colin Gounden was interviewed for an Electrical Contractor article about the impact the Internet of Buildings may have on energy-conservation initiatives.

CEO Colin Gounden Interviewed by The Denki Shimbun
CEO Colin Gounden was interviewed by The Denki Shimbun, a Japanese energy newspaper, to discuss Via Science's risk assessment and predictive maintenance initiative with TEPCO.

Via Science and TEPCO Partnership Featured in Engerati
A recent Engerati article featured Via Science's partnership with TEPCO as an example of Japan's evolving energy retail industry.